Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Starting a new year

So I'm starting a new year homeschooling. This is our second year, but my first year being able to be home and do it full time. I will still be working part time at the college teaching nursing and working from home, but will be home most days with the boys.
This year will present a new challenge, because we have Zeke. He'll be about 9 months when our school starts and he's very mobile and active. We'll just have to find a way to do it. :)
The big boys are already asking when school is going to start. We're using Abeka for phonics/reading and handwriting. I've decided to change a few things for the rest of the "curriculum". We'll be using Math-U-See and Five in a Row for the other subjects. I'm going to try to use Rosetta Stone to help teach Gabe Spanish and we're trying Kinderbach for music this year. I'm excited for this year to start and to be here for so much of their learning.
I always have this habit of setting lofty goals and having big ambitions. :) I have this "plan" in my mind to organize our home and my housekeeping so that I can stay on top of things. We'll see how that goes.
I'm using this blog as a tool to help journal our progress and share my thoughts about this journey we're taking as a family.

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